Wednesday, August 1, 2018

DDoS Incident & Fix

DDoS Incident & How to Fix your Custom URL

Our hosting provider notified us of a DDoS attack this morning targeting our main IP address. Our technology is protected against such an attack, so there will be no lasting effects to any DecoNetwork site, however, our provider has taken the IP offline for 24 hours as a precaution against continued attacks. DecoNetwork does maintain a backup IP for such occurrences.

All licensees can access their BusinessHub by using their (storename) addresses. For licensees using a DecoNetwork supplied web address, we have already applied a fix that returns their sites to full functionality. Licensees with custom web addresses using a CName redirection to should also find their service completely restored. That said, some licensees with custom URLs not using this redirection method will need to undertake the following steps with their domain registrar to re-enable access to their sites immediately:

Licensees using a custom domain should adjust their DNS records to match the following:

An A record at the domain root pointing to the fallback IP address of
A CNAME record at the hostname www pointing to

The change may take some time to propagate across networks, but will permanently allow their sites to benefit from our ability to switch to backup IP addresses on our end.

Further information on exactly how these changes are made can be found with your domain name provider.

We’d like to thank all of our licensees for their patience and for reporting issues during this issue.

from DecoNetwork Blog

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