Thursday, October 12, 2017

Walk on Air | Bradley Pinkerton

Bradley Pinkerton is an Australian based designer focusing on music and arts related graphic design/direction. Most of Bradley’s works follows a heavily typographic, photographic and collage aesthetic and this project is no different.


The designs for ‘Walk on Air’ explores the artwork and typography behind the re-design of the originally released 1990 Sun & Moon Mix of Walk On Air. This record is known for setting a benchmark and bringing together strands of Ambient, Deep House, Techno and also Trance. If you know, you know.

Bradley has been designing for the Adelaide based record label Isle of Jura since 2015. They specialise in old and one of a kind releases from the 1970’s – 1990’s


This particular piece of artwork was inspired and curated by the early and robust style of the music. Bradley created this piece of work by photographing, cutting and manipulating natural textures surrounding him, such as rock, wood and sand. This in turn represents the raw nature of the sound from the record. The main design/styling has been kept monotone and bare on any colour to allow the photographs/manipulations gain their own voice within the artwork.

In regards to composition Bradley has focused on the fluidity of the pieces imagining if they were to interact with the music on their own accord.


The typography within the artwork also follows this aesthetic, with a kind of 80’s space inspired typeface the whole album takes on the feeling of wanderlust and exploration. The gritty, raw and mildly unperfected finishes to the typeface further add to the raw and earthy aesthetics of the record.

Bradleys work can be found online at or on Instagram with the handle @BradleyPinkerton

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