Monday, October 2, 2017


Since the first successful photograph was taken around the 20th Century, the camera and the art of photography has come a long way. Poloroid, which was founded by Edwin H. Land, in 1929 made his first patent application for polarisers that reduce headlight glare. Following into the late 40’s Land went onto conceive the instant camera and by the 50’s The one-millionth Polaroid Land camera, a Model 95A, comes off the assembly line on September 27. Polaroid products are now distributed in over 45 countries worldwide.

(c) Polaroid-Originals

(c) Polaroid-Originals

(c) Polaroid-Originals

Intensive research into developing film technology lead to Polaroid debuting Polacolor instant colour film with the discovery of the dye developer molecule upon which the instant colour system is based. A new Polaroid Model 100 Land Camera is introduced to the world. More indulgent research lead to Dr. Land demonstrating a revolutionary system of photography which includes the SX-70 Land camera, a fully automatic, motorised, folding, single lens reflex camera and SX-70 Land film which automatically self-develops in daylight. The camera we know today as a typical Poloroid camera where you shake the photograph for dear life, excited to see your image come to life on the paper.

(c) Polaroid-Originals

(c) Polaroid-Originals

(c) Polaroid-Originals

(c) Polaroid-Originals

(c) Polaroid-Originals

(c) Polaroid-Originals

Since then additional, more developed models were brought out, each with a more refreshed, professional system. Able to snap moments in time, kept as physical memories stored in draws, pinned on walls or kept in wallets as permanent moments frozen in time. Today Poloriod celebrate their 80th anniversary with their Originals campaign, promoted through a stunning photography editorial and shoot.

(c) Polaroid-Originals

(c) Polaroid-Originals

(c) Polaroid-Originals

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