In my previous post Increase your sales through better customer engagement with Zoho CRM, I outlined how you can integrate Zoho CRM with DecoNetwork.
In this post I explain how you can use your customers information you import into Zoho CRM to send marketing and campaign emails using Zoho Campaigns.
Zoho CRM vs. Zoho Campaigns
Before we get started, lets outline the difference between Zoho CRM and Zoho Campaigns.
Zoho CRM is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system which stores your clients records and your engagement with them. It manages your leads (prospects), accounts (customers) and contacts (people) associated with them.
You can send emails on a one-by-one basis, of even send out mass emails to a select group of contacts, but it’s limited in terms of the reporting and mass-campaigns options available in more dedicated mass-mailing services.
Zoho Campaigns fills that gap. Starting off as a free add-on for 2,000 subscribers and 12,000 emails sent per month, Zoho Campaigns adds additional mass-mailing capabilities and is integrated directly with your Zoho CRM and it’s records.
Zoho Campaigns allows you to:
- Build a manage mailing lists
- Perhaps A/B testing of campaigns
- Create rich and engaging HTML email templates
- Monitor and track open, read and click enagement
- Build sophisticated automated and drip-email marketing campaigns
To get started with Zoho Campaigns, log into your Zoho CRM then visit
Syncing your Zoho CRM contacts with Zoho Campaigns
1. In Zoho Campaigns, select Contacts > Sync Contacts
2. Select the service ‘Zoho CRM’
3. Enter your Zoho CRM email address and copy in your ZSC key. Follow the on-screen instructions on how to get that!
4. In the Sync Details section you can select the data you want to import.
Each sync can only import contacts from either your CRM Contacts list or CRM Leads list. You want both, so you may want to create two syncs and name them appropriately. For this example we’ll use Contacts so name your Sync Description ‘All Contacts’ and select Contacts from the Select the Module to Sync drop-down.
5. In the Mailing List Details enter a new mailing list name. i.e. ‘All Contacts’. You can select if this list enabled new subscriptions if you ever decide to put a subscription form on your website.
Click Add list then select the list from the Mailing List drop-down when the page reloads.
6. Press Save and Continue.
7. On this next screen you select and map all the record fields you want to have in your campaign mailing lists. I recommend:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Company
- Lead Source
- State
- Country
Try to think ahead of all the fields you may want to search and filter on for a future campaign and ensure you add these to your sync.
8. Once done click Save and Continue
9. On the final step you can configure the frequency of your sync. Zoho Campaigns allow you to sync daily, weekly or monthly. For frequently updated records like customers select Daily in the Sync Frequency section.
10. In Date to be Fetched select All Data.
11. Configure any additional Sync Contacts Configuration section.
12. Once finished click Initiate to begin the sync.
It can take up to 24 hours for your first fetch to initiate so you set this up and come back to this tutorial once your fetch is complete.
Create a mass-mail campaign
Once your contacts have been fetched and are in Zoho Campaigns you can create your first email campaign.
1. Click on the Email Campaigns tag in Zoho Campaigns.
2. Select Create email Campaign. If you haven’t set your company profile details you will be prompted to do so.
3. Complete the basic information including the campaign name (i.e. 20 percent of polo shirts), then complete the additional information:
- Subject: The email subject that the customer will see
- Sender name: The name the email will come from. Sometimes it’s good to use your name and company. i.e. “Brenden – DecoNetwork”
- Reply-to Email: The email address you are sending from. Depending how your business is structured you may want use an info@ email address instead of your personal one.
4. Click ‘Create content’ to start building your email
5. On this screen you can choose from any built-in Zoho Campaign templates, or use the HTML editor to build your own. This tutorial won’t go into the technical requirements to build a HTML template as it’s far too detailed and lengthy process to cover at this time but there are lots of tutorials and guides out there for you to use.
6. After you’ve created your content you want to save and continue to the Recipients screen.
7. On this screen you check the mailing lists you want to send your campaign to. In this example it is the ‘All Contacts’ list.
8. With your lists selected click Proceed.
9. Before you can send your campaign you need to send it for review to Zoho. Click the green ‘Send for Review‘. This is a requirement of Zoho to ensure your content is not spam or violating any of their terms and conditions. A review normally takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.
10. Once done you are ready to send your company.
You can choose Send immediately to send your campaign right away, or select Schedule to send it at a later time of your choice.
Reviewing the results
After the campaign has been sent you can review its results and monitor its delivery, open and click rate in real time.
from DecoNetwork Blog
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