Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Xi Achievement Spotlight: Epsilon Alpha

This past awards season five chapters were presented Xi Achievement, one of Alpha Xi Delta’s most sought after awards. Xi Achievement is awarded to chapters who exhibit superior achievement in all aspects of chapter operations and programming, and is based on meeting or exceeding 100% of the standards in the Alpha and Xi Levels of the Annual Progress Report. The Epsilon Alpha Chapter at the University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire has given us a sneak peek into what helped their chapter attain this prestigious award. Take a look below for some ideas and helpful hints on what your chapter can do to be in the running for Xi Achievement for the 2016-2017 academic year!

The following questions were answered by respective officers, as noted.

1. You have excellent new member retention and facilitate a very positive new member orientation program. Tell us more about the planning and preparation that goes into new member education.

"While preparing to teach our new members all about the history, symbols and fun facts of Alpha Xi Delta we (the New Member Orientation Chairs) looked back at our New Member experiences. We discussed what we enjoyed about our New Member Education classes and what small things we could add to make it more fun and meaningful. We decided we wanted to put a large emphasis on new member class bonding, which seemed to go over really well. We believe it’s important for a new member class to feel comfortable with each other and know they always have one another to go to. Each week our class focused on something different, like our Founders or our symbols, and each week we had a fun activity to help learn the material. We incorporated those fun activities so our women looked forward to coming to our meetings every week. Overall, our planning and preparation focused on our love for Alpha Xi Delta, as we hoped to spread that love to all of our newest members.

In order to continue on with our success’ in new member orientation our NMOC’s shared a few words on how they plan to achieve the best new member experience. We will continue to have two New Member Orientation Chairs, which we have found to be beneficial by having more ways, ideas and experiences to connect with our new members. We go through the new member handbook every meeting, as well as incorporating fun and engaging additional activities within each week. We will continue to have the new members get together outside of our weekly meetings to have fun and allow them to hangout and deepen their relationships. Our NMOCs plan to bring in each grade (freshmen, sophomore, etc.) for the New Members to spend time with and be able to ask questions to a smaller group around the same stage within their journey in Alpha Xi Delta. Overall, our NMOCS want to create the most exciting new member experience and help them start to realize their potential right away."  - Past and Current New Member Orientation Chair - Jenny Lindquist, Grace Mikkelson and Mikaila Griffin

2. Outside involvement is an expectation of all undergraduate members of Alpha Xi Delta. How does your chapter promote leadership?

"We promote leadership by encouraging our members to hold active positions within organizations around our campus and community. We strive to help our Sisters become better leaders and provide different opportunities for them to see the leadership potential in themselves through multiple programs. Our chapter takes advantage of opportunities provided by Alpha Xi Delta such as Area Wide Training, The Workout, Convention, and The Founders’ Academy. Our many different events help all of our Sisters realize their potential as leaders and therefore translating into Sisters taking on leadership opportunities outside of the chapter.

Annually we have a Leadership Coach visit our chapter and present the StrengthsQuest Program for our chapter providing growth and knowledge of each member’s strengths in multiple small group sessions. Through this we are able to find ways to capitalize on our Strengths to best use them in every situation that we are in. By having this on an annual basis we are reminded and are able to reflect on the ways we have grown and how we have used our Strengths. This helps us continue to use them in our everyday life, inside and outside of Alpha Xi Delta.

We strive to provide opportunities for Sisters to hold an office if they want one within the chapter and we often have a large percentage of members realizing their potential through holding an office no matter how big or small. This sense of accomplishment and growth of confidence translates into many women of Epsilon Alpha having the courage and desire to be involved in outside organizations as well as take on a leadership position in another organization". - Rachael Ostlund - Current Chapter President

3. Programming is an important element in ensuring all Alpha Xi Deltas have an enriching and educational experience. What are some of the programs your chapter facilitates?

"Throughout the year, we try to hold many different programs to reach every Sister. We have programs that cover a variety of areas including, academics, university services, ritual, Realize Your Potential programs, and other unique programs provided by Alpha Xi Delta. Every April we have an Autism Speaks program to prepare and fully educate our Sisters on what Autism Speaks does as a foundation and get excited for World Autism Month.

To continue educating our chapter and to gain insight on ourselves and the world around us we take advantage of Educational Programs offered to organizations by our University. We will participate in a diversity walk with Peer Diversity Educators (PDE) at our University to put our own diversity as a chapter into perspective, as well as the vastly diverse world around us. We will also participate in self help programs promoting mental and physical health. It is important for the women of the Epsilon Alpha chapter to have an enriching and educational experience from our Sisterhood, and the holistic programming we do facilitates just that." - Grace Mikkelson and Kacey Yahnke - Past and Current Programs Vice President

4. You went above and beyond what was expected of you to fundraise for Autism Speaks this past year. How did you execute your AmaXIng Challenge and encourage campus involvement?

"As a chapter, we are extremely dedicated to our philanthropy throughout the year. In the fall, we host a Step It Up 5K on campus during the University Parent’s weekend to raise funds and awareness for Autism Speaks. It has grown steadily since we started it 3 years ago.

In April, we dedicate many hours ensure that we have a successful AmaXIng Challenge during World Autism Month. We hold an annual Teeter Totter A-Thon on campus where we Teeter Totter for 24 hours straight in front of our student center to raise funds and awareness for Autism Speaks. This event has distinctly branded us on our campus increasing support throughout the University and local community over the past 11 years. We also spread autism awareness weekly within our student center educating our peers on Autism Speaks and raising awareness for those who are affected by Autism by tabling, handing out fact cards, selling puzzle piece cookies, and lighting it up blue." - Grace Mikkelson - Past Programs Vice President

5. As a Xi Achievement Chapter, it is also important to recognize the time and talent your Chapter Advisor, Jennifer Zipf, has dedicated to the success of Epsilon Alpha Chapter.  Please take a moment and write a summary of how this Sister has impacted your chapter. This note will be a surprise to her as she reads your spotlight!

"Without the support and assistance from our Chapter Advisor, Jen Zipf, the Epsilon Alpha chapter of Alpha Xi Delta would not be as successful as it has become. We are very fortunate to have Jen as our Chapter Advisor because she not only helps out when needed, but also provides a wonderful role model of how Sisterhood is not just for 4 years but for life. Although Jen works full time, is involved in the Minneapolis Alpha Xi Delta Alumnae Association and other organizations, she never hesitates to provide our chapter with 110% of her attention. Whether it is a phone call or email during her 20-minute prep at work, late night conference calls, or showing up at AmaXing Challenges, Jen is always willing to help and support our chapter. Through her involvement we are able to see the impact Alpha Xi Delta can have on our lives and how we can use our experiences in AXiD to take our lives farther than originally imagined. None of the women in our chapter would be the same without Alpha Xi Delta, and Alpha Xi Delta would not be the same without Jen! She is an inspiration to our chapter through her continuous dedication to helping our members realize their potential and truly exemplifies courage, graciousness and peace." - Annalyn Alt and Rachael Ostlund -  Past and Current President


The following prompt was written by Jennifer Zipf.

Why did you choose to volunteer for Alpha Xi Delta and what have you found to be most rewarding about this experience? 

"I choose to volunteer for Alpha Xi Delta because I want to give back to the organization that gave so much to me during my college years.  What I didn't realize when I began volunteering back in 2005 was how much I would gain as a woman, Sister, and leader from my volunteering.  What I have received from volunteering over the last 12 years is so much more than I gained as a collegian, I could have never anticipated what my lifelong membership in Alpha Xi Delta would mean to me post graduation.

Volunteering has been rewarding for me in many ways. As an educator I work with young children at the beginning of their learning experience, volunteering with the sorority allows me to work with students at the end of their learning experience.  It provides me with an opportunity to influence and empower our women as they develop into the next teachers, doctors, business women, researchers, politicians, etc.  It has been incredibly rewarding to watch the women enter college, join Alpha Xi Delta and spread their wings and soar.  Seeing members Realize Their Potential, grow in confidence and develop their leadership brings tremendous pride to my heart!

Watching these women go on and graduate, obtain their first job, and find their place in this world because of what Alpha Xi Delta gave them inspires me to keep on volunteering and I hope, inspiring them to give back to the sorority that has already given them so much, but has so much more to offer.

It is not just for four years, but for life!"

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