Sunday, August 21, 2016

DecoNetwork release cycles explained

DecoNetwork ultimately is a software company but unlike traditional software companies we don’t bundle all our improvements and new features up into a large release that rolls out every year or so. Instead we release our features as they are developed into smaller releases which ensures you, our clients, get more value more often and at no extra charge.

Deciding a version number

So how do we decide a release version number?

Generally there is no iron-clad rule, but we tend to stick to a basic set of requirements when deciding what to name our release version.

Where the release’s user interface (UI) has a noticeable change we typically start a new major release number. i.e. Version 6, 7, 8, etc.

Where the release has some major feature improvements we typically start a new monitor release number. i.e. 7.1, 7.2, 7.5, etc.

However, every two to four weeks we release a new version of DecoNetwork with sub-release numbers such as 7.01, 7.02, 7.03, etc. They contain new features, improvements and also fixes to problems reported.

More features, more often

Since version 7 was release we’ve released over 221 new features and improvements which otherwise would have been kept on the shelf for many months and shipped out in a typical large software release. You can see them all listed in our release notes section.

But again, we decided not to develop like that and feel it’s better to release new features once they are finished and fully tested.

I hope this explains a little how our release cycle works and helps you understand what you can expect from future versions of DecoNetwork.


from DecoNetwork Blog

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