Thursday, August 18, 2016

7 Ways DecoNetwork Can Help Streamline Your Printing Business

Accelerate your time to revenue

DecoNetwork cuts the time you spend generating orders by up to 70%! The traditional method of spending an average of 2 hours and 43 minutes has been hammered down to a mere 43 minutes when processing an order on DecoNetwork. Time is money and that is money that can be used elsewhere in your business, save towards a new company vehicle, new print method or even the staff Christmas party!



Open sales portals for your larger clients

Using DecoNetwork’s affiliate stores, you can provide your clients, such as schools, charities or even large businesses, with their own branded website fully accessible by their customers and staff allowing them to order directly from you. This will save your clients a great deal of time when collecting orders and monies ensuring their commercial experience is one of ease. Your client can even earn a little commission at the same time and don’t forget, as raised in point 1 above, you’re already saving time on these orders so everyone’s a winner, even the customer, with a fantastic, top quality printed product!




Preconfigured catalogues one click away

We have integrated directly with large vendors such as BTC Activewear, Papini, Ralawise, SanMar and many more. DecoNetwork have a dedicated catalogue team that work directly with the industry leading vendors in order to give you entire selections of brands and catalogues. Each product has been manually entered into DecoNetwork, running through a range of processes which produces our beautifully crafted ‘Smart Select’.

Smart Select is a very clever tool, each product has been through a process that determines many attributes such as its fabric type, weave type, stretchability, buttons or pockets, and many more. Pair this with the decoration methods that you offer and the system will determine exactly what print methods can and cannot be applied to these products. The system will know not to add mugs to the embroidery list and not to add 100% cotton t-shirts to the sublimation list. Because of this process you will save precious hours if you were to setup a website from scratch, these hours could be spent on other areas of business. You can now put more products in front of your customer. A job well done by the DecoNetwork catalogue team and a job saved for you.


Stop “overordering”

DecoNetwork has an amazing ability to cut out so much time.

How many times have you looked at the clock and you see that it’s 10 minutes before the cut off time with your vendor? I’ve done that many times myself. Put down your pen and paper and stop writing a “to Order” list and stop frantically typing into your vendor’s website or crossing your fingers hoping you get through on the phone just in time. DecoNetwork’s purchase ordering feature can have your list of items to order in your vendors hands in less than a minute. Our genius developers graced DecoNetwork with the ability to consolidate your orders into one purchase order, the application determines what you have in your orders list, checks your stock levels and combines a list of items per vendor ready to be sent.

A few clicks later and you can get back to whatever you were doing without breaking a sweat. Because of this, you may not even need to hold stock on hand as you can order only what you need.


Outsource to your fellow printers

Can’t fulfil an order, but you want to keep your customer from going elsewhere? Machine broken and orders stacking up? Or maybe you want to expand into a new print process and you’d like to see how popular it becomes with your client base so you’re not having to make a huge investment up front. No problem, you can link your DecoNetwork account to another DecoNetwork user and pass orders across. Your customer would never know it was outsourced and everyone is happy.



Lightning fast reordering

Isn’t it great when customers come back for the same product as they ordered last time, this is a healthy sign that you’re doing things right for your customers. But at the same time, isn’t it a pain getting that order the same as previous? Think of the steps involved, locating the previous order, confirming with the customer this is the order they want to order again, confirm artwork changes etc, the list goes on. This process can eat into your profit and may be costing you more than the original job in ‘time spent’, alone. DecoNetwork’s reordering function packs a punch that saves time on both sides of the order. Your customer can login to their account whenever they want, and create repeat orders themselves or you can view their order history while generating a new quote or order and pull in the individual products they would like again, this will pull in everything exactly as it was from the last order, including artwork size and position, pricing and discounts. You can make any requested changes and get the items into straight into production once approved.



Take care of business on a beach, on a boat, on a plane…

DecoNetwork is cloud based which means all you need is an internet connection. You can be on the beach in Hawaii, on a boat crossing the Atlantic or even 30,000 feet above sea level. You can log in and check on business, see what’s coming in and going out, who’s doing what and when they’re doing it. And let’s say you just happen to meet someone on a plane who’s talking about needing some t-shirt printing. Well, don your cape because you’re coming to the rescue. Log in and create a quote up to 70% faster than usual. You can have the quote, complete with mockups on your new contacts phone in minutes. Now sit back and enjoy the rest of your journey because when he logs in and approves it, the quote converts into an order automatically and flows straight into production. You are the receiver of another new satisfied customer who is going to recommend you to everyone he knows.



To discover more than just the 7 ways above contact us over at


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