Monday, February 4, 2019

Go to a Museum – SEE yourself

I am so lucky that I live near lots of galleries and art museums. Yesterday, I went to the Addison Gallery of American Art.

This is my reflection in a linocut by Josef Albers. I was struck by the simple graphics and bold contrast of solid black and confident white line. I was inspired to play with the abstract graphic line with materials in my studio.

I am also interested in the literal reflection of me in the work I see and the abstract idea that I am reflected in works that I like.  What do you think? Have you ever noticed reflections and shadows when viewing art?

image from Addison Gallery of American Art

This photo is by Wynn Bullock. I was drawn to the lights and darks, the tree and moon. It gives me enough and creates mystery as well.

We are lucky now that we can take photos at exhibits and bring the experience home.

my reflection in Hand by John Coplans

my reflection in Hand by John Coplans

I love to walk into the small galleries and stand in the middle of the room and just take it all in. I found myself breathing deeply and smiling.

gallery at Addison Gallery of American ART

This is a panoramic shot of the Geometry part of the 4 x4 exhibit. Step in….. breathe and experience.

rayograph by Man Ray at the gallery at Addison Gallery of American ART

This is a rayograph/photogram by Man Ray at the gallery at Addison Gallery of American ART. I was smiling here because I think that gel prints can be a lot like the layers of a rayograph/photogram. A rayograph/photogram is created by placing objects on light sensitive paper and then exposing the paper. Light is block and changed by the objects creating images on paper.

cast shadows by László Moholy-Nagy piece

Twisted Planes by by László Moholy-Nagy

I admired the cast shadows as much as the sculpture itself.

inspired by cast shadows

Then as I left I was just as inspired by the shadows of the trees and me.

I encourage you to step out to a gallery or museum and see yourself in some art. Take that back to the studio and make stuff!

If you are interested in playing with relief printing – then join us in the online Soft Plate Relief Printing class – starts soon. READ the details on the workshop page.

The post Go to a Museum – SEE yourself appeared first on Linda Germain.

from Linda Germain

All about prints

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