Thursday, January 31, 2019

Freya Moses

Freya Moses is an illustrator, designer and maker currently working as a Senior technician specialising in printed textiles at Falmouth University. She is also studying an MA in Illustration with a focus on creating colourful, fun and engaging images through the exploration and modification of analogue processes. Freya’s creativity was sparked as a result of a family adventure back when she was five years old when her parents sold their family home in Lewes to travel Europe and America. After visiting landmarks such as Sagrada Familia and the Statue of Liberty she would obsessively recreate them using pens, pencils, paint and anything else she could get her hands on.

Since graduating in 2012 with a degree in printed textiles, Freya has worked with a variety of clients including Action on Hearing Loss, Open Culture Liverpool, Coppafeel and Sink the Pink. She also delivers a variety of creative workshops for clients including Plymouth College of Art, Ocean Studios and Drake Circus. Freya works using a variety of mediums including screen printing, riso printing, and vinyl often combining processes to create innovative and playful pieces.

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