Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Does Giving Swag To Clients Generate An ROI?

When you work with clients (or just as importantly, potential clients), you can only say so much. Unfortunately, no matter how finely crafted your pitch is, you might be forgotten the second you leave your client’s line of sight.

Maybe they were preoccupied and not listening to you intently. Maybe they were impressed but just have bad short-term memory. Regardless, if you want to leave a truly lasting impression, you need to leave something behind that truly lasts. This is where custom swag is especially useful.

Custom swag does more than just proliferate your logo to offices throughout the country. It can actually legitimately generate an ROI for your business. Below are three of the main perks that swag can bring:


1. Custom swag can be used as an incentive for a job well done


Establish a tradition of rewarding partners and clients with swag when they’ve accomplished something noteworthy. Keep tabs on their achievements and make sure they know that you’re rooting for them.

If you have partners who come up with a great solution to help your business, send them some swag as well. Showing the companies you associate with some love for the hard work they’re putting in goes a long way in establishing client loyalty.


2. Swag makes a memorable impression


An Advertising Specialty Industry study found that 84% of people remembered the promo products they’d received. On top of that, 81% of respondents kept the promotional materials because the found them useful, and (this is the big one), over 60% of respondents ended up doing business with the company that gave them the swag.

A client that may have otherwise forgotten about you as soon as your meeting ended will now have your name on something they value going forward. It definitely doesn’t hurt to keep your name and logo in the forefront of their minds.


3. The custom swag you give out will make its way out of your clients’ offices


If you give your clients something that’s useful both in-and-outside of the office, you’re increasing the number of eyes that will be on your company. Take, for example, a pen, water bottle, or backpack. These items are designed to be taken out into the world.

The objective here is simple: the more your custom swag is in use, the more people will see it. Especially when the swag you give out is of top quality (like what you’ll find at Elevate Promo, by the way), this can only be a good thing. The custom swag you give to clients is an organic way to start conversations, build customer loyalty, and make sure your business leaves a lasting mark.

Give us a call, and let’s get started today!

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