Wednesday, June 13, 2018

“Blue Velvet” by Matt Ryan Tobin

Mad Duck will have “Blue Velvet” by Matt Ryan Tobin available soon.
On sale Wednesday, June 13th at 12pm Eastern (9am PDT) HERE.

“Blue Velvet” by Matt Ryan Tobin. 24″ x 36″ Screenprint. Ed of 150. $65

“Blue Velvet” by Matt Ryan Tobin. 24″ x 36″ Screenprint. Ed of 75. $95 (Velvet variant Printed on Curious Cosmic Blue Planet 133 lb paper with a satin velvety feel and sheen)

“Stay alive baby. Do it for Van Gogh.” 8×10 screen print, Run of 200, $30

(not pictured) Silver Foil Variant -24×36 screen print, Run of 75, $85

“I completely immersed myself in this film while working on this piece. It played on loop for days in my studio.
I listened to Blue Velvet, the song, countless times; it already being a song I love.
I really wanted to capture the beauty as well as the sadness of this film, but have a slight nuance of fear.
Jeffery peering through Dorothy’s dress is meant to represent his first glimpse into her life but also he ultimately exposes her heart on a deep level,
in a way setting her love free. Free of Frank’s violent prison hold.
The shape of the parting curtains are akin to that of a knife’s blade, representing the danger and violent world Jeffrey is unknowingly about to walk into.” – Matt Ryan Tobin

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