Monday, January 29, 2018

D&AD Festival Identity

The D&AD Festival is back this year at the Old Truman Brewery for its third year in the running from the 24th-26th of April 2018, celebrating the best in Design and Advertising through a series of workshops, talks, and Q&A’s full of creative work and people.

This year D&AD have teamed up with Hato Studios to create a collaborative visual identity for this year’s Festival and New Blood awards by reaching out to any and all creative minds (thinkers, artists, writers, designers, the public at large, etc.) to participate in their campaign ‘Start with a mark’.

The clever minds at Hato have come up with a digital drawing tool where you get to add your own mark, where the selected artworks will be used by D&AD to create this year’s festival’s identity, as well as the prints, environmental graphics and 3D animations online.

The concept behind the campaign is that every great idea or project starts with a mark, however you work, as there’s always a starting point that usually begins on a blank canvas – be that a phone note, lipstick mirror mural, or your standard bit of prose on the back of yesterday’s food shop receipt.

You can try out the tool here and generate your own mark into augmented reality. Get involved.

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