Friday, November 10, 2017

May-mester course: Art on Location in New York

Art on Location in New York

May 20-28, 2018 (Maymester)
Taught by Jim Burton (Drawing and Painting), Alicia Eggert (Sculpture) and Liss LaFleur (New Media)

Informational Meeetings: 

Tuesday, November 14th at 5pm in Art 108 (Sculpture classroom)

Monday, February 12th at 5pm in Art 108 (Sculpture Classroom)

This course counts as a 4000- or 5000-level Studio Art Elective and is open to both
undergraduate and graduate students. We will be taking three sections of 14 students to
New York City for 8 days. We will visit major museums and galleries, and conduct studio
visits with emerging and established artists living and working in New York. The Art on
Location course has proven to be a wonderful experience for all studio artists and marks a
seminal time in their student careers.

from UNT Printmaking Blog


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