This past awards season five chapters were presented Xi Achievement, one of Alpha Xi Delta’s most sought after awards. Xi Achievement is awarded to chapters who exhibit superior achievement in all aspects of chapter operations and programming and is based on meeting or exceeding 100% of the standards in the Alpha and Xi Levels of the Annual Progress Report. The Zeta Xi Chapter at the Auburn University has given us a sneak peek into what helped their chapter attain this prestigious award. Take a look below for some ideas and helpful hints on what your chapter can do to be in the running for Xi Achievement for the 2016-2017 academic year!
The following questions were answered by Lauren Alger, Chapter President.
1. Outside involvement is an expectation of all undergraduate members of Alpha Xi Delta. How does your chapter promote leadership?
"By upholding outside involvement as an expectation of all undergraduate members of Alpha Xi Delta, our chapter promotes leadership not only within the chapter, but outside the chapter as well. The need for outside involvement among our Sisters is an important quality we desire our members to have because it is easy to stand up among your friends and lead in a comfortable setting, but it is a vital growing experience when you have to make yourself vulnerable and lead people you may not be as comfortable around. Being placed in situations where you do not have familiar faces helps our Sisters to branch out past their comfort zone and form friendships with people involved in other organizations they share common passions with.
Not only is involvement on campus a great way for individual growth within our members, but involvement on campus outside our chapter is a great way to market ourselves with other organizations as well from a chapter perspective. For instance, we can reach far more people and establish connections that can become valuable later when we have Sisters involved with as many organizations as possible collectively. On Auburn’s campus, we have Sisters involved in organizations ranging from War Eagle Girls and Plainsmen to Student Government Association to Auburn University Dance Marathon to Student Recruiters and so many more. We also have Sisters that have seen problems on campus and taken initiative to solve those issues on campus by creating organizations such as STARS, Standing Together Against Rape and Sexual Assault. By having Sisters involved in so many different forms of organizations in a variety of positions, the leadership of the chapter and the leadership skills of individual members have the opportunity to flourish on campus and establish connections that can last even past collegiate years, just like the rest of the highly regarded values that unite our individual Sisters."
2. Maintaining a positive presence on campus and on social media is an important factor in chapter success. How do you maintain this positive presence?
"The Sisters of Alpha Xi Delta Zeta Xi chapter believe that social media is extremely important, before, during, and after college. Social media should be an outlet for positivity and for connecting with others. We strive for our chapter to be a safe and positive place to be able to share our lives online. We believe that a positive social media presence is not only a Sister’s doorway to existing opportunities, but the way to create more of them in the future. As a large chapter, we instill in our Sisters how having a positive social media will reflect them as individuals, but Alpha Xi Delta as well. We post many fun pictures on our social media sites and we offer for our Sisters to send in pictures that they would like to be seen on our social media accounts. Creating an inviting environment to discuss social media is our top priority because we genuinely care about each and every Sister and their future beyond Auburn."
3. Sisterhood is one of the four pillars of Alpha Xi Delta. How does your chapter promote Sisterhood both in college and beyond?
"The Zeta Xi Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta promotes service and involvement through our Sisterhood. We believe that it is important to maintain relationships with one another as well as building new relationships out in our community. Our chapter offers many opportunities for our Sisters to get involved on and around our campus. By serving others, we grow closer to those we serve and those we serve with.
Every month, we hold Sisterhood events. They range from watching movies in the chapter room, to going roller blading, to serving the Auburn community. We believe that it is important to have fun as a chapter and create memories outside of the typical sorority events. We love being able to share time with each other.
Beyond our college years, our Sisterhood continues. We keep in touch with many alumnae through social media and in person for those who live near by. Many of them attend our cookouts, banquets, and rituals. It is important for us to maintain the bonds of Sisterhood that have been established and promote our Sisterhood each and everyday."
4. Programming is an important element in ensuring all Alpha Xi Deltas have an enriching and educational experience. What are some of the programs your chapter facilitates?
"Programming is essential to enriching and educating a chapter of young women. In order to educate our chapter, we implement programs that are facilitated through our Realize Your Potential Manual. There is a wide variety of options that can be used in order to tailor to our chapter’s needs. One of the programs we have recently conducted was the Courageous Conversations program, which helped to educate our chapter in preventing dangerous situations and approaching difficult situations. By being able to choose which programs our chapter has the need to hear, these programs are vital to improving the chapter as a whole."
5. As a Xi Achievement Chapter, it is also important to recognize the time and talent your Chapter Advisor, Janie Marino, has dedicated to the success of Zeta Xi Chapter. Please take a moment and write a summary of how this Sister has impacted your chapter. This note will be a surprise to her as she reads your spotlight!
"The Zeta Xi chapter of Alpha Xi Delta is proud to recognize our Chapter Advisor, Janie Marino, as an outstanding advisor. Janie served our chapter in multiple capacities as a collegiate member and continues to contribute as an alumna. During her time as a collegiate Sister at Auburn, she served as Chapter President as well as Risk Management and Alumnae Relations. Janie has since graduated, created a successful career, and resides in Auburn with her husband and three kids to help our chapter continually improve. For nine years Janie has been an asset to our chapter by serving as our Chapter Life Advisor, Membership Advisor, and is currently as our Chapter Advisor.
One of Alpha Xi Delta’s mottos is, helping women realize their potential, and Janie undoubtedly stands by that, encouraging Sisters do that each day. Whether she is helping our collegiate Sisters or bridging the gap between alumni and active Sisters, Janie is constantly working to improve our members and our presence on Auburns campus. She encourages others to step outside of their comfort zone and try new things, which is the biggest thing new members and older Sisters often need.
Janie is a constant encourager and always has Alpha Xi Delta as a top priority. She has spent countless hours of her own time demonstrating what it means to be a loyal, dedicated, and hardworking Sister. She exemplifies this with her commendable time management skills; balancing work, family, and AXiD. During her time as an advisor, Janie has implemented many changes that have immensely improved our chapter. It has been such a blessing having an advisor who not only attended Auburn University but lives here as well. This makes her accessible and knowledgeable of all that is going on in our chapter and in the community.
Upon graduation, Janie took a few years away from Auburn, but continued to remain actively involved the Zeta Xi chapter. Upon her return to Auburn, she took it upon herself to step up as an advisor. She was eager to give back to a chapter that helped her realize her own potential. For nine years now we have been very fortunate to have her guidance as an advisor in many different capacities. Janie has personally helped each member of this sorority realize their potential and that is truly a gift that we will never be able to truly thank her for."
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