Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Love a little today

Happy Valentines Day!

Hand printed love block

Love flows in and out of my printmaking kind of unconsciously.

block printing on paper with eraser blocks

What about your art making? Does the love flow through to your work?

Monotype print with block printing by linda germain

We can use relief blocks and wooden text as shown above. I got the old wooden type at the Museum of Printing. Check their website for the next Typeface sale.

Gelatin print with hand stamping by linda germain

I used the eraser block to add a little bit of LOVE to this gelatin plate monotype print.

studio tools linda germain

What ever you do and how ever you add a little LOVE to your work, let it be your turn expression of LOVE.

Freezer paper stencil used to print pillow covers

I even used a freezer paper stencil to create a big LOVE pillow. These kind of stencils are one time use. Learn more about making stencils in the Make Stencils Workshop – read the details on the printmaking class page.

screen printed book page

This little print was made with some custom Thermofax screens. If you are curious about thermofax screen printing check out the starter kit and some videos.



The post Love a little today appeared first on Linda Germain.

from Linda Germain http://www.lindagermain.com/2017/02/love-little-today/

All about prints

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