Sunday, January 15, 2017

Laura Berger | Softer World

In a bid to stray from the negativity and violence happening within this world in which we are constantly saturated with the bombarding of messages and media, Laura Berger has opted for art as an escape, using her skill within painting to portray the positive possibilities shy from the mainstream media. Softer World serves as a contrasting view in a landscape of negativity and fear, enforcing calm through the neutral colour palette and in turn the envisioning of a peaceful world where equality strives and our relationships with each other and strangers alike are honoured, as exemplified through Berger’s consideration of composition and lack of hierarchy among her illustrative figures.

The pastel palette and rich accent colours play stage to the peaceful scenes that unfold within. We welcome the simplicity within a world of chaos, as Berger’s art beautifully evokes the tranquil nature of society, lost from the media representation.

The Softer World series was created using acrylic and acrylic gouache on cradled wood panel and the ceramic figures were made using terracotta clay.

Inspired by rituals, symbols, nature, dreams and our quest for self development and freedom, Berger has successfully implemented elements of each as the symbol of equality resonates within the consideration of sizing amongst characters whilst evoking an undoubtedly whimsical aesthetic.

Laura Berger lives and works in Chicago and has exhibited around the US and abroad. Follow the links below to keep up to date with Laura in 2017.

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