Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Easy line drawing and printing

I love loose line drawings. I think they can be very expressive. The cool thing is these quick line drawings can be the beginning of a printed mark.

foam plate relief print of figure

Many years ago, when I started exploring printmaking I did this contour line drawing of a man with glasses. I am sure that it did not take very long, but there was something about it that I liked.

Soft Relief plate for printmaking

Recently, I made another printing plate from the same drawing. I used sticky back craft foam that I mounted on to another piece of recycled styrofoam.

I used a ball point pen to make the drawing and recess the line. Then I quickly painted the surface with watercolors and let it dry.

soft printing plate and relief print

I let the paint dry completely on the foam plate. I soaked some heavy weight printing paper and finally I used my new Xpress Xcut craft machine to make the print.

relief print of man

Of course you could be more careful and exact when applying colors and paint, but I do like the bold and loose nature of this print.

If you want to be inspired to embrace your drawing style check out these posts:

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from Linda Germain

All about prints

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