Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Spike Jonze movie posters from Spoke Art

Spoke Art and Midnites For Maniacs are hosting two Spike Jonze triple features this weekend in Oakland and San Francisco soon. Screen prints by Matt Taylor, Guillaume Morrellec and Concepcion Studios to commemorate the event and will be available first to attendees at the screenings.

Here are the details on the screenings:
Friday, December 16th @ the New Parkway Theater, Oakland CA. http://www.thenewparkway.com/?date=12/16/16
Saturday, December 17th @ the Roxie Theater, San Francisco CA. http://www.roxie.com/calendar/

Any remaining posters will go online on Monday, December 19th at http://spoke-art.com/

"Where the Wild Things Are" by Matt Taylor. 18" x 24" 5-color Screenprint. Ed of 100. $40

“Where the Wild Things Are” by Matt Taylor. 18″ x 24″ 5-color Screenprint. Ed of 100. $40

"Where the Wild Things Are" by Matt Taylor. 18" x 24" 5-color Screenprint w/ metallics. Ed of 40. $40. (variant)

“Where the Wild Things Are” by Matt Taylor. 18″ x 24″ 5-color Screenprint w/ metallics. Ed of 40. $40. (variant)

"Adaptation" by Concepcion Studios. 18" x 24" 3-color Screenprint. Ed of 75. $40

“Adaptation” by Concepcion Studios. 18″ x 24″ 3-color Screenprint. Ed of 75. $40

"Being John Malkovich" by Guillaume Morrellec. 18" x 24" 5-color Screenprint. Ed of 75. $40

“Being John Malkovich” by Guillaume Morrellec. 18″ x 24″ 5-color Screenprint. Ed of 75. $40

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