Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Our Favorite 2016 Holiday Shirts You’ll Love

Our Favorite 2016 Holiday Shirts You’ll Love

The holiday season is creeping up and before you know it, you’ll be at your family’s house singing Christmas carols and opening presents. But what are you going to wear!? Here are our favorite 2016 holiday shirts you’ll love and want for yourself this season!


Our Favorite 2016 Holiday Shirts You'll Love

Short, simple and to the point. This classic is one of my favorites!

Our Favorite 2016 Holiday Shirts You'll Love

If you’re from the South or use “ya’ll” in your vocabulary, this shirt is for you!

Instead of the famous “Resting Bitch Face” phrase many woman say, get in the holiday spirit with your Resting Grinch Face instead! It’s pretty much the same thing, right?

Let’s all remember the true meaning of Christmas…This shirt has the style and meaning that is perfect for the season!

If you like the idea of wearing a shirt from a classic movie or show, consider this holiday classic!

For the people who loooove taking pictures of themselves…this is for you.

Or maybe you really like the Spice Girls.

Do you have kids who constantly get it trouble or tattletale? This shirt might be for you…

OK – Where are my wine lovers?!?!


Okay my fellow Christmas lovers – which shirt is your favorite!?

The post Our Favorite 2016 Holiday Shirts You’ll Love appeared first on Elosh Clothing.

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