Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Make a Family Christmas Card to Remember

Ah, Christmas. Time for carols, snow, baking, and Christmas cards! Sometimes, Christmas cards are the only time we hear from old friends, distant family, and special acquaintances. While we can keep in touch with friends and family via social media, I think there’s still something to be said for actually getting something in the mail, a specially-planned picture or memento of your family.

Christmas cards started at about the same time as public postal services. In fact, the first Christmas cards were sent by Sir Henry Cole, who helped set up the postal service in the UK. Overwhelmed by the amount of personalized Christmas greetings that he received, and that he was expected to return, he found a more efficient method. Even better, it was a way to make the newly-formed postal service accessible to everyone, even those who didn’t feel comfortable writing personal letters to all of their family and friends. Christmas cards grew more and more in popularity as printing methods became more beautiful and streamlined.

Today, we often share photos of the family and little reports on how the year went to keep in touch with loved ones. But if you want your family Christmas card to stand out this year, read on for some fun ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

Some Creative Ideas for Your Family Christmas Card

  • Write a haiku or limerick reporting on the year. Keep it brief and punchy.
  • Feature art from one or all of your kids. Customized printing means that you can take one masterpiece and share it with everyone. Even better, share a family portrait that one of your children drew.
  • If you want to go digital, you can make it more of a multimedia presentation. Do a fun family video, or a slideshow.
  • If you’re single, or a childless couple who doesn’t like to feature pictures of themselves, create crafty cards for everyone, or feature a picture of a beloved pet in Christmas attire!


Take More Fun Family Photos

The family photo is a classic, and the favorites of grandparents everywhere. However, you don’t have to limit yourself to matching shirts and a pose outside the house. Think outside the box, and try some of these instead:

  • Feature the family wearing their Christmas jammies.
  • Recreate an old holiday family photo.
  • Do an homage to a Christmas classic, like the Grinch, or a Christmas Story, with props and costumes.
  • Utilize shadows, reflections, and frames in order to add visual interest and give your photo more character.


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