Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Sanithna Phansavanh Moksha

Danger Press
Sanithna Phansavanh Moksha

Here’s a recent screen printed poster we did for Sanithna Phansavanh, an illustrator who works and lives in Atlanta, GA. His figurative work examines the human condition and ranges from small, intimate drawings to large-scale, public murals.

“I try to experiment as much as possible with materials. It helps me to stretch my artistic skill set, but what I really love is how it encourages me to rework stylistic approaches for ideas. For this piece, “Moksha,” I wanted to use strokes of color to build and define the form. Applying the ink with a brush gave it a wonderful, painterly quality, and it helped to capture the motion of the movement.”

In Hindu philosophy, moksha is a concept that expresses freedom from ignorance.
Moksha is self-realization and self-knowledge.

You can get the print here

See more of his work at and (daily drawings).

Sanithna Phansavanh Moksha
Danger Staff

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