Wednesday, November 9, 2016

November Foundation Blog

Each day in my job as a Development Officer, I am charged to present Alpha Xi Delta Foundation to our Sisters. It is my job to tell amaXIng stories of:

  • Scholarship recipients able to stay in school or work one job instead of three while taking classes.
  • A Leadership Coach meeting that helped a Sister figure out how her strengths can help her lead and succeed in not only the chapter but her future career.
  • An Alumna Sister who received a grant to attend a professional seminar that will enable her to receive a promotion.
  • Watching current and emerging leaders learn about their strengths, how to help their chapters grow and be better and strong, how to help themselves with their future education and career path to be the best they possibly can be at The Founders' Academy.
  • Chapters receiving AmaXIng Challenge Grants to help make their Autism Speaks fundraising event better and stronger and raise much more money for Autism Speaks than they ever thought possible on their campus and community.

I love that it is my job to share these stories with you, our donors. You are Alumnae who are volunteers. You are alumnae who have fond memories of their collegiate years. You are collegiate Sisters participating in Undergraduate Giving Challenge to help support a program you attended. You are Alumnae who gather each year to share stories and laughter and tears. You are Sisters who haven’t talked to your Chapter Sisters in decades. You are Sisters who see the importance of what Alpha Xi Delta was and is to her Sisters.

Many people spend the month of November sharing a daily thought on social about people, places, events, or things for which they are thankful. I have done this in years past and it is remarkably gratifying, and more difficult than you would think. This year, I’m sharing with you why I am thankful not just for Alpha Xi Delta and the Foundation, but for each and every one of you. I’m so thankful that my job is full of positive stories about not only what the Foundation is helping to make happen but also of you, our supporters and donors.

As we move full force into the busy holiday season, running from event to event, fitting in family and work and fun and celebration, I encourage you to take a moment and reflect on what you are thankful for and the people you are grateful to have in your life. Take time to let those people know how much they mean to you. Take time to focus on what you find most important. Take a moment to share with us, in the comments, what you are most Thankful for about Alpha Xi Delta and in your life.

Elizabeth Shelly de Jong, Bethany ’88, has served as Development Officer for the Foundation since November 2012.


Thank you to everyone who has supported the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation and helped to make it possible for our Sisters to Realize their Potential. If you are interested in learning more about the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation or to make a gift, visit the Foundation online at

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