Saturday, November 19, 2016

Margot Bowman | IDENTIFY

Launched on November 18th 2017 in collaboration with Tate and Tate Collectives, Margot Bowman introduces IDENTIFY, an interactive project which explores how we express contemporary cultural identity. IDENTIFY encourages viewers to create their own cultural symbol, using interactive software developed by Edvin Candon, which designs your personal stamp based on a series of questions that allow for your personal, geographical, emotional and spiritual touch-points to be accessed.


Living in a world where people withhold the freedom to self-identity, Bowman feels the traditional means of cultural representation being ‘a stamp with an old woman’s face on it or a coin that features a plant you’ve never seen’ are both alienating and out of touch in their approach to represent our diverse culture. Thus, the collaboration between Margot Bowman and the Tate offers the opportunity to create a new hybrid identity, creating a digital stamp that represents your own personal identity.


As part of its Future Media series, Margot Bowman is in residence at the Tate Modern Switch House today, on the 19th November 2016, where you can take part and explore the ideas behind the IDENTIFY project. If you can’t make it, you can always take part in IDENTIFY by creating your own digital stamp here.


Margot Bowman is a self proclaimed direct, colour-obsessed, hybrid, rebellious and empathetic individual who creates beautiful visual culture with an aim to connect people and tell the story of now. Check out more of her work here.

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