Friday, October 28, 2016

Featured Friday - Greek House + Giveaway

Greek House was started at the University of Florida in 2013 by 2 apparel chairs that became fed up with how complicated it was to get shirts made for their chapter. In their frustration, they set out to solve their problems and Greek House was born. Not as business, but as a necessity. 

Greek House's philosophy has always been to help themselves as Greeks and now their peers. their approach is to start by asking the question, how does this help you? In doing sothey have created a company that truly offers solutions and creates value for its customers. By following this simple idea, Greek House has become one the fastest growing custom apparel companies in the nation. 

This weekend Greek House will be giving away  on Alpha Xi Delta's Instagram








Greek House is an official licensed Alpha Xi Delta vendor. Finding licensed vendors for any product is easy. Just look for the Greek Licensed Product logo (above) in stores or visit to see a list of all licensed vendors in your area. Want to know more about the licensed vendor program? Click here for a list of frequently asked questions.

FindGreek, the new iPhone and Android app, is customized to Alpha Xi Delta and shows the best and most unique licensed products on the market. The app is easy to use, with many features such as collecting, liking, sharing that make it easier than ever to buy your favorite Alpha Xi Delta products. To download the iPhone or Android version of the FindGreek app click here.

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