Saturday, August 20, 2016

Turn your drawings into Trace Monoprints

Do you work hard to make a drawing that you like? I do.

line drawing of a chair - good for trace monoprinting

One way to make your drawings live on is to use them to make trace monoprints. This is an easy low tech way of printmaking without a press.

Tea cup drawings turned into trace monotypes

I love taking a drawing and using it to make mixed media piece of artwork. I think the beauty of a line drawing is that  it let’s the artist’s hand show through.

ink dropper face drawing

I love when then energy of the moment is captured in a quick gesture drawing. For me it can take 20 or more drawings to get one that I like. But I don’t mind. I know that the whole time I am building my SEEing skills.

art sketchbook by linda germain

Drawing is about really seeing what is in front of you and then flattening that 3d image into a 2d drawing. I think that their can be  a lot of baggage and rules around what is a “good” drawing. That pains me.

doodle by linda germain

The whole, “I am good enough,” conversation can get in the way of fun and learning. One way to start believing that you are good enough is to look at what “good” drawings are on exhibit in the modern museums, look at some art history books and see what they call “good.”

collage by linda germain

Then find a famous artist who you admire and study her/him. Copy some of his/her drawings, as studies. That is what the old master’s did. Keep it fun!

simplified flower drawings by linda germain

Consider, joining the new online class, SEE, draw Print – a weekend drawing and printmaking workshop. Registration is open and class starts, August 26th. Read the details on the workshop page here.


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from Linda Germain

All about prints

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