Thursday, August 18, 2016

ROQ Rivet Issues, Honeycomb Pallets, And Other Non-Problems

roq rivet

S.Roque is known around the world for being different. They aren’t afraid to look at something and say, “how can we make this better?” With innovation as one of their core values, it’s no surprise that sometimes you’ll find ROQ technology using processes that aren’t typical for the industry. As a result, ROQ Automatic Screen Printing Machines have more than a few innovative differences over the majority of automatic presses in the industry. One of these being the use of rivets to connect different pieces of metal, over a traditional bolt, and the other is honeycomb aluminum pallets.

What’s so special about the ROQ rivet?

A rivet is a “short metal pin or bolt for holding together two plates of metal, its headless end being beaten out or pressed down when in place.” You can find them holding together pieces of metal all throughout your daily life, but they have a special place as the fasteners used to hold airplanes together, and ROQ automatic presses. Every ROQ has five rivets in each bracket, and two brackets on every pallet. While that’s a lot, the number of rivets is chosen to ensure the most solid construction possible during screen printing.

The reason the ROQ rivet is superior to a bolt is in its construction. Bolts leave room for movement which can cause them to loosen over time and back out of their holes over time as the press moves and shakes. This causes machines made with bolts to need maintenance help more often to retain tight registration over time. Rivets are connected to the metal, however, and don’t experience the same kind of movement.

There are some presses that have been out on the market and in use for decades and are still in tight registration using the ROQ rivet. In fact, we’ve never heard of a single ROQ rivet failing on any of our machines, in 32 years.

Why are honeycomb aluminum pallets so great?

Another innovation that S.Roque has brought to the ROQ automatic press is honeycomb pallets. According to S.Roque’s website:

“The screen printing pallet is that part of the machine that subjected to most of the physical stress of the screen printing process, the pressure, rotation, temperature variations, etc. So having all of that in mind ROQ spent time and resources looking for a solution that improved greatly the screen printing. Traditionally it was assumed by everyone that heavy metal pallets were the best solution. People believed in this due to its capacity to deal with physical stress and the capability of keeping high temperatures. These were the pallets that ROQ, S. Roque at the time used. But they also presented some serious problems. The inertia they gained during the movement forced a lot of extra stress on the machine for it to stop and fact that they hold too much temperature would cause serious problems in screen printing with water based inks.

So ROQ came out with it’s screen printing pallets made of aluminium but hollow. ROQ went to look at nature and identified the perfect shape for this purpose. After some tests and investigation the first ROQ Screen printing Pallets. They are still made of aluminium. As they are hollow this makes them much lighter than a regular pallet. The internal design is based on the honeycomb architecture. This feature lends them an extraordinary mechanical resistance necessary to endure millions of cycles in an automatic screen printing machine by ROQ. As an added bonus it is much easier to control and change the temperature of these screen printing pallets. This is a unique feature that makes screen printing with water based inks a super-efficient process.”

The innovative construction of ROQ honeycomb pallets allows them to be both durable and efficient, hold sharper details and finer dots. We do offer traditional solid metal pallets but believe in the innovation of honeycomb pallets so much that we sell them with every ROQ machine.

When innovation meets a guarantee.

We chose to pair up with S.Roque because of their innovative and entrepreneurial mission, to sell what we believe are the very best automatic screen printing machines out there. As a result; we’ve decided to open up our warranty to cover all ROQ rivet, welds, and honeycomb pallets for 20 years. We have confidence that ROQ technology will stand the test of time, and we believe that you should too.

Learn more about ROQ Automatic Presses!

The post ROQ Rivet Issues, Honeycomb Pallets, And Other Non-Problems appeared first on Ryonet Blog.

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