Monday, August 15, 2016

Beyond Printmaking 5: 2017 National Juried Exhibition

Beyond Printmaking is an art competition and exhibition organized by the Printmaking Area and Landmark Arts at Texas Tech School of Art.

Historically, printmaking has been considered not only as a visual means through multiples, but also as a pioneer of technology and new meanings. As technology changes ever more rapidly, many contemporary artists who originally started with printmaking as their primary medium are using interdisciplinary approaches to embrace the needs of our time.

As much as printmaking has been loved for its traditional resonance, its versatility applied in multimedia sees no limitations. In this 5th exhibition, we are looking for artists who have a vision of printmaking beyond the traditional practices, who push the technological and conceptual limits of what is considered printmaking.

Beyond Printmaking 5 is a hybrid exhibition. While most of the works will be selected from the submissions received, the curator will have an opportunity to "fill in the gaps" with curated works, works of her own choosing from invited artists. This practice, first begun with Beyond Printmaking 4, helps assure that the exhibition more fully explore and present the expanded field of printmaking.

Submissions due: November 30, 2016
Exhibition dates: March 25 – April 23, 2017

For additional details, visit the website.

from UNT Printmaking Blog


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