Thursday, August 25, 2016

August Foundation Blog

Fall brings many things – the start of school for our collegians, the start of school for our alumna Sisters’ children, falling leaves, cooler weather, all things pumpkin spice, and football season. The Foundation just isn’t ready to let go of summer yet! We asked some of our Foundation Trustees to share some of their summer favorites, personal inspirations and Alpha Xi Delta memoires with you before we embrace fall. Foundation Trustees are your representatives who are elected or appointed at Convention and are responsible for creating and sustaining the Foundation's mission, approving long range plans and ensuring financial solvency. 


 Kate Martin, University of Florida

What was your favorite summer read?
My favorite read this summer was “The Girl Who Wrote on Silk” by Kelli Estes. I love the way the story intertwined the past and present to tell the story of two women.


What is your favorite Alpha Xi Delta memory?
My favorite Alpha Xi Delta memory was seeing my little Sister initiated as an Alpha Xi Delta and remembering my own initiation and the excitement of learning what our fraternity truly means.

What is your favorite phrase from our Symphony?
 "An appreciation of real merit and worth, steadfastness of soul, that without bitterness or defeat we may encounter misfortune and with humility meet success." That sentence has guided and continues to guide me through all of life's ups and downs. 

Bobby Stanton, University of Kentucky

What was your favorite summer read?
My favorite read this summer is “Re Jane” by Patricia Park. It is an update on Jane Eyre, my favorite book.


What is your favorite Alpha Xi Delta memory?
My favorite Alpha Xi Delta memory is chapter Sisters leaning over the balcony of our house listening to fraternity serenades. The song “Barbara Ann” by the Beach Boys also brings back lots of memories of Alpha Xi Delta for me.

My favorite vacation is any location beach with sand, sun and seafood for dinner.


Karin Riggs, San Diego State University

What is your favorite Alpha Xi Delta memory?
My favorite Alpha Xi Delta memory is traveling as a Chapter Consultant (now known as Educational Leadership Consultant or ELC); I got to see about half the country making chapter visits and helped to colonize chapters at Towson and Millersville University.

What is one of your courageous moments?
A recent courageous thing I did was travel to Malaysia and the Philippines by myself for work to deliver leadership training to co-workers in those offices.  I loved the experience of doing it on my own and the opportunity to be a part of those cultures for a brief moment in time was something I'll never forget.

What is your favorite phrase from our Symphony?
When I read the Symphony line by line, it is so inspiring and hard to pick a part that I love the most.  But, if I had to choose, it's the last sentence... "These things, O Lord, help us to instill within our hearts that we may grow in courage and graciousness and peace."


Michelle Hartnett, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Chair of the Board of Trustees

What was your favorite summer read?
Two of the best books I’ve read this summer so far are “Miller’s Valley” by Anna Quindlin and “Go Set a Watchman” by Harper Lee.  Anna Quindlin is one of my favorite authors, and I especially like her non-fiction writing because I can relate to her views on motherhood, womanhood and the world.  I missed reading “Go Set a Watchman” when it was released last year, so I made sure to have it on my must read list this summer. Both books get two thumbs up!


What is your favorite Alpha Xi Delta memory?
I have so many wonderful Alpha Xi Delta memories, it’s hard to pinpoint one.  Lifelong friendships, travel opportunities, memories of living in my chapter house in college, conventions and ceremonies all figure into my Alpha Xi Delta memory bank.  This past year, we lost two special former National Presidents whom I was lucky to know very well.  Jane Wade Anderson was Director of Greek Affairs at my college (University of Nebraska – Lincoln) during my time as a collegiate. She was also National President during my college years, so I have fond memories of my first National Convention in Baltimore when Jayne was elected to her second term as National President and then again at the Centennial Convention in Scottsdale when Jayne’s term ended and I completed my year of travel for the Fraternity as an ELC. During my year of travel, I got to know Linda Belles Dinus since my territory was primarily in the Pacific Northwest where she lived. Both women were inspirational to me and a lot of fun to be around.  I’ll always treasure those memories of my time with them.    

What is your favorite phrase from our Symphony?
When I think about The Symphony of Alpha Xi Delta, I really like Andi Fouberg’s mantra “Have courage. Be gracious. Make peace.”  I also find special meaning in the phrase that encourages us to be steadfast of soul, “that without bitterness or defeat we many encounter misfortune and with humility meet success.” These are things that are easy to say but not always easy to live by.  The entire Symphony of Alpha Xi Delta is a good guide for living a good and gracious life.    


Jane Wilkens Schroeder, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

What was your favorite summer read?
The book “Alexander Hamilton” by Ron Chernow is my book of summer ’16. I hope to see the show Hamilton in Chicago when we’re in the city for Convention.


What is one of your courageous moments?
The most courageous thing I have done has been learning to be the heroine of my life!

What is your favorite phrase from our Symphony?
My favorite line from The Symphony of Alpha Xi Delta is “..with humility meet success.” This phrase reminds me to be gentle, be bold and to put others before myself.

           The Symphony of Alpha Xi Delta These things do we earnestly desire: A clear vision of life, that with gracious and kindly hearts we may share both joy and sorrow and bring into living reality the Sisterhood of women. An appreciation of real merit and worth, steadfastness of soul, that without bitterness or defeat we may encounter misfortune and with humility meet success. These things, O Lord, help us to instill within our hearts that we may grow in courage and graciousness and peace.


The Foundation wishes you a wonderful end to your summer and an exciting start to your fall. Watch for a special celebration coming up soon and don’t forget – Your gifts to the Foundation are what helps Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity provide the educational programs, like The Founders’ Academy, Courageous Conversations, and the Leadership Coach program, that are challenging our members to realize their potential. Make your online gift here.

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