Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Art of Double Tapping Your iPhone Screen


If you own an Apple iPhone and have been using it for more than a week, you probably are an iPhone expert now when it comes to its cool applications and amazing features. Perhaps you also know and have been using several tricks to better your iPhone experience… or perhaps not.

When I say tricks, I am referring to nothing more than efficiently using what is already been built-into the iPhone. Many people seem to have missed these tricks simply because they have not taken the time to learn the secrets of their iPhone.

It is true and very obvious that one of the best and most leading edge features of the iPhone is its user interface. However, if you own an iPhone and you are not much of a tech savvy person, you may lose the grip of your iPhone’s gorgeous interface. This article will help you get the hang of using your iPhone by learning the  art  of double tapping your iPhone  screen .

The Double Tap is an extension of the single tap. You probably have noticed that you rarely have to double-tap a single item on your iPhone. Every icon and link on the interface seems to react with a simple one-tap motion. However, there are interfaces that do react to double-tapping differently than if you were to only tap the screen once.

This is the trick! If you are viewing a picture, video, web page, or email the double tap will zoom in. To zoom back out, just double tap again. If you are viewing the map the double tap will keep zooming in to more and more detailed view. And a two-fingered double tap will zoom back out.

When watching a movie or video, you will notice that the screen is showing a letterbox image. This is when there are two black lines under and above the picture, which gives you a wider view. To be able to watch the movie in full screen version, just double tap the screen. However, the full screen version may cut off the words if you’re watching a movie with subtitle. To turn your screen back to letterbox view, just double tap your iPhone screen again.

That is just an example of using the  art  of double tapping your iPhone  screen . As I’ve cited in this article, the double-tap feature can be used on other programs throughout your iPhone. You will find these features in the Photos, Safaris and Google Maps programs. Generally, double tapping means zooming into whatever you tapped on your iPhone screen. For example, you wanted to get a better view of the image that is on the main page of The New York Times online edition. Just double tap the image and the image will be magnified twice its default size.

To be able to experience the best features of your iPhone, you may have to take some time to uncover these hidden tricks. But as you go along, you will realize how amazing your iPhone is… because it gives you choices on how you want to be entertained.


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