Friday, June 24, 2016

Sarah Ellis, SGCI Student Representative / Summer 2016

Download the latest edition of Graphic Impressions to read a letter from Sarah Ellis, Southern Graphics Council International Student Representative. Sarah will be working with student members to foster a sense of community. Her letter details ways that you can get more involved in SGCI, including having your work featured on a new Instagram account, @students.of.sgci.

Here's more about Sarah: Currently an MFA Candidate in Printmaking at UNT, Sarah received her BFA in Printmaking from The University of Akron in 2014. Through a variety of print media and book arts, her work explores the dynamics between domestic craft, gender roles, and the continuity of human behavior. During her first year of graduate school, she worked as the Graduate Assistant at P.R.I.N.T Press as well as a Teaching Assistant in Drawing.

from UNT Printmaking Blog


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