Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Learn More About a 3D TV Screen


A picture that you see in a photograph and a picture in real life both give you the same information only one has depth and the other doesn’t. A 3D TV screen gives you this real life experience. The 3D TV screen helps to create images or movies which will fool your brain to see it as real images. This type of screen conveys three-dimensional images to its viewers. There are different types of three dimensional TV screens.

Stereoscopic: It works on the principle of stereopsis, which was described by Sir Charles Wheatstone in 19th century, that each eye sees something different. Some examples of this technology may include polarized glasses and anaglyph images. This technology usually involves special type of glasses for 3D TV screen viewing.

Auto stereoscopic: This technology was further developed on stereoscopic technology. It uses optical trick at the 3D TV Screen itself instead of the glasses worn by the viewer, so that the person is able to get appropriate images. So, it does not require the special glasses for viewing the 3D TV screen.

There are two types of three dimensional TV technologies:

Polarized screens: This technology uses a special type of filter on the glass, which polarizes the left and the right images differently which was projected on the screen simultaneously. Then the 3D glass used by you uses different left lens and different right lens to filter and show the correct image to the left and right eye. Then your brain does the remaining processing.

Active shutter glasses: This technology switches from one eye to another in synchronization with the TV which alters the left and right images at a rate of 50 frames per eye per second which is a very high rate that is so fast that the brain is not able to identify the gaps and merges the two different views one from lefty and the other from the right eyes into an image which has depth.

There are two types of glasses which you wear to view 3D they are active 3D and passive 3D. The active ones have LCD lenses which alternatively black-outs eye which depends on the image of which eye is displayed on the 3D TV screen. They are called as active because it requires batteries to operate them. The passive lenses use the technology of polarization which separates the left image and the right image.


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