Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Power of Tangible Marketing

When we look at the world of marketing today, we tend to think more and more about the digital side of marketing—SEO, social media marketing, online ad space, video ads, etc. Yet tangible marketing, through print ads, brochures, catalogs, promotional products, and more, remains strong. Here is a look at the power behind tangible marketing and while it will always hold a strong place in the world of marketing.

Longer life span

Tangible marketing material tends to have a longer life span than digital marketing material. (For the sake of this article, you can consider catalogs, brochures, and promotional products all different types of tangible marketing material; online ads and emails, meanwhile, would be considered digital marketing material.) Think about it—how much more likely are you to keep a seasonal catalog than an email about the same products?

Longer life span doesn’t just mean the consumer will see your promo material for a longer period of time, either. It also means that you’ll get more mileage out of your marketing material, with its potential to travel and be seen and handled by other consumers.

Engages the senses

You might recall our article on the difference between brand and identity from a few months back. Identity was defined as “the shared memory that your audience will have of your company after interacting with all of the sense-engaging ‘artifacts’ of your company.” “Artifacts” in that definition referred to anything sense-engaging that would remind the consumer of the company as a whole, be it a logo, scent, taste, or texture. Keeping this in mind, tangible marketing materials can go a long way in strengthening your company’s identity. If you’re a rugged outdoor clothing company, for example, of course your clothing is a tangible “artifact” of your company; but if you want your identity to be stronger, it’s a good idea to give the consumer something tangible before they even make a purchase. You might send out a print mailer or catalog, for example, that features thick, matte paper—something that would remind the consumer of the ruggedness of your brand. Or you might choose a promotional product for a trade show that features relevant colors and textures. Without tangible marketing, the only senses you can engage are the visual and auditory senses.

Shows appreciation

Sure, many companies show appreciation to their consumers by sending out a “thank you” email or social media post. But to really make an impact in showing appreciation, tangible is the way to go. MailChimp did this, for example, when sending out holiday socks to their clients instead of a generic “thank you” email. A “thank you” promotional product with your logo on it could really go that extra mile in showing your customer how much you care and appreciate their business (which, by the way, is a great way to build brand.)


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